Introduzione- Introduction

Angela Cavaliere Pasquale was born on May 31, 1938 in Nusco, Italy.  The daughter of a contractor, Angela enjoyed a pleasant childhood in this small town near Naples.  Throughout her youth and into her young adulthood, Angela fostered a passion for sewing that would remain with her for the rest of her life.  At the age of fourteen, Angela learned that her parents had arranged that she and a fellow paesano (countryman) from Nusco be married.  This paesano, Ed Pasquale, had immigrated to America and settled in Pittsburgh, Pa.  Four years later at the age of 19 in 1957, Angela bid farewell to her loved ones in Italy and departed for America in order to join her husband in Pittsburgh.  

To discover more about Angela's family history and her experiences of immigration and assimilation, click here.

Angela Pasquale
Introduzione- Introduction